I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, and when a Boeing 777 (a.k.a. a very large plane) just vanishes, conspiracy theories are bound to pop up, but I think we can rule out these off-the-wall theories that I’ve seen so far.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 got sucked into the “New Bermuda Triangle”.
As the theory goes, the Bermuda Triangle moved, or there’s another one. I’m going to guess that The Kraken calls this place home, and that this theory is related to Al Gore and “Global Warming”.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew through a Stargate.
While I do love the Stargate movie and the various Stargate series’, I need to share something with anyone who truly thinks that this is what happened. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STARGATE HERE IN REALITY! (At least not a functioning one.)
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was abducted by aliens.
Seriously?! And I thought that I watched The X-Files a lot.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has an invisibility cloak.
Let me guess, this has something to do with Frodo Baggins and Harry Potter. Or even Space Ghost.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 got sucked into a black hole.
Interesting. And maybe every time you hit an “air pocket”, it actually is a (not so powerful) black hole. While the most feasible theory of the bunch, I’m going to have to say that is doubtful.
I’m sure that there are other Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 conspiracy theories out there that are just as ludicrous, but that’s all of the nonsense I could handle in one sitting.
Bottom line, whatever did happen, it is sad and a bit scary, that a plane that size, and that advanced, can just vanish without a trace. Hopefully one day the truth of it shall become clear, and the families involved can get some closure.
Hi Brian, maybe i’m wrong when i say that, but i really think that the plane was hited by new weapon able to do such mystrious disappearance, doesn’t matter who is in possession of this mass destruction gear, but i find the théorie of plane changes direction and crashed into Indian Ocean, trully ridiculous.
I guess you did hear about the philadelphia experience, it was in 1940’s, so you can imagine what they can do nowadays.
What sad situation for traveler families.