As I mentioned yesterday, I like to purchase old photos and photo slides to both enjoy and resell. This particular 35mm slide of Boone Tavern Hotel and Restaurant in Berea, Kentucky was developed in September 1958 and I would assume was taken in the late spring or summer that year.
As I look at this photo from 60+ years ago I am drawn to some of the details.
1958 Lincoln Continental
First, the car along the curb gets my attention. This appears to be a 1958 Lincoln Continental. Sweet looking ride! They don’t make them like they used to.
Signs of Days Gone By
Next, I am drawn down the curb to the road sign, mailbox & barber pole.
Looking at the Google Street view from August 2015 (below), all three are now gone. New signs are in place and only the mailbox pole remains and has a garbage can and a recycling can for company. Not that anything that I mail daily could fit in a mail slot these days.
Road Patching
And finally, I notice that road patching really hasn’t changed much in 60 years. Here in Indiana, this is still our solution to patching potholes. And it still doesn’t work too well. Because of science.
If there are any subjects you’re interested in seeing from the 1940’s through the 1980’s, let me know and I’ll see what I can dig up.
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